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Phone: (202) 495-1090
If you're an immigration client, your attorney may have suggested that you complete an immigration evaluation to help strengthen and support your case.
Maybe you're scared and worried, and maybe you've never been to a therapist before. You may even wonder if this evaluation will really make a difference with your case.
While we can’t promise specific results or outcomes, we know that the chances of your case being approved doubles if you have a psychological evaluation.
We conduct a clinical evaluation for the following types of cases:
extreme hardship waivers
For extreme hardship waivers or cancellation of removal cases, a psychological evaluation can be a powerful piece of evidence to show that a relative would suffer extreme hardship if they were separated from the applicant or if the relative leaves the US and relocates to another country to remain with the applicant.
In asylum cases, we will ask about the events that led you to flee your country. This can be difficult to talk about but everything you say will be kept in the strictest of confidence. You set the pace of the evaluation and don't have to answer anything you don’t want to. We document what you say and assess the impact that the events had on your emotional and psychological wellbeing. We have extensive experience in trauma survivors, and most of all we want you to feel safe, understood, and know that you'll never have to explain your feelings or feel embarrassed to tell us your story.
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)/Spousal Abuse
In VAWA cases, a psychological evaluation can evaluate the extent of the spousal abuse and the emotional and psychological impact that the abuse had on you.
U Visa
In a U visa case, a psychological evaluation is to evaluate the psychological effects of a serious crime.
T Visa
In a T visa case, an evaluation assesses the psychological and emotional effects of having been a victim of human trafficking.

How an evaluation works
Our experienced clinicians provide comprehensive immigration evaluations for people of all ages, including children and adolescents.
We first meet in person and then write a thorough report for your attorney to use as part of your immigration case.
The in-person evaluation typically lasts two to three hours and involves an in-depth clinical interview and may also include other assessment measures or testing.
Meetings are held in each of the therapists’ offices but for the time-being all evaluations are being conducted via secure teletherapy.
While immigration evaluations are not therapy, you may find that the process allows you to process what you've been through and begin the process of healing. We provide clients with a list of therapists in their area so that you can continue therapy if you're interested.
Common questions you may have:
An immigration evaluation is a report written by a therapist who has done a clinical assessment. The reports are then used by your lawyer as part of your immigration case.